Drink Run

Explore the city street and rooftops to find parts to fix your portable drink machine! A great Metroidvania with lots to explore.

This game was created for the Metroidvania Month 18 Jam in 31 days.

This time everything was different for me, I tried to find international people and try to work as a team. I found a team with really cool people and we started to create what is now called Drink Run. The theme of the jam was Night Life, so we wanted to incorporate that into our game. We ran into a lot of difficulties but in the end we created a finished product that we can show to other people.

Main features

  • Multiple gun upgrades

  • Interactivable stations where you can buy drinks or save your game

  • Three different areas with different esthetics

  • Multiple types of enemies with different behaviors

  • Final level

  • UI made with the new Unity UI Toolkit

What was the challenge?

One of the biggest challenges was getting the character fun to play. I created a movement script that makes the player responsive with many features like dashing, double jump or coyote jump. The weapon system in this game allowed us to create different weapon settings without a single additional line of code. Another big obstacle was the save and load system. This was the first time I worked with unique GUIDs so each level was saved with the data collected and generated by the player.

Project duration: 15/11/2022 - 15/12/2022

Itch.io page

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